The Human Resources Division of a company is a vital division. Most of the time, they perform their work manually, and therefore creating limitations to their capacity. The knowledge contained is very important for human resources development and subsequently for developing the company. In order to manage this knowledge well, the company shall require a knowledge management system. This knowledge management system would be a solution to be used for the company to manage all knowledge contained in that particular division. Phases in designing knowledge managements starts from analyzing knowledge sources of the company, knowledge identification and definition, and determining knowledge goals. Knowledge management systems contain many functions such as collecting, recording and managing the knowledge and sharing this to all related employees easily. The company may also use knowledge management systems to share and inform employees regarding updates of information, news and/or activity regarding the employees themselves. Information from knowledge management systems may also be used by employees to monitor their performance and thereby increasing it. Knowledge management systems may also help employees in their learning activities.
Keywords: knowledge management, human resources, employee
Western philosophers have generally agreed that knowledge is justified true belief which is a concept that was first introduced by Plato. However, the definition of knowledge is far from perfect in terms of logic. According to this definition, our belief in the truth of something does not constitute our true knowledge of it, so long as there is a chance, however slight, that our belief is mistaken. Therefore, the pursuit of knowledge in Western philosophers to search for the method to help them establish the ultimate truth of knowledge beyond all doubt. They have aimed to discover “fundamental knowledge without proof or evidence,” on which all other knowledge could be grounded.
Peneliti: Yanti
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