Nowadays, internet has been the most update information source, many using one as a reference for news. This is causing easier and faster information exchange. Our final project title that we create “Developing Widget Application For Stock Monitoring”. That would be need to develop such application are XML, JavaScript, Yahoo! Widgets SDK application and Notepad++ as source code editor.Contents of this application are retrieved from Yahoo! Finance website, at address http://finance.yahoo.com. By using the informative widget application, computer can be a source of information on the actual stock information. Then, by using JavaScript, XML, Konfabulator Engine, and Yahoo! Widgets, then application for stock monitoring can be developed. The advantages are users can choose what information that will be displayed, stock symbol within desired, then stock symbols that can be included is all stock symbol from website of Yahoo! Finance. The disadvantages are users must know the stock symbol will as an input and must install Yahoo! Widgets application.
Keyword : stock monitoring application, Yahoo! Widgets, finance, widget
Komputer personal sebagai salah satu peralatan canggih pada era informasi ini, telah berperan penting dalam berbagai hal dalam kehidupan manusia. Fungsinya yang dapat mencari dan menampilkan informasi dari internet sangat bermanfaat untuk berbagai tujuan.
Peneliti: Hartanto Arum Galing
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