The expert system is a computer program that can replicate the thinking process and expert knowledge to solve specific problems. In this case, the expert system is used by breeder and hamster lovers to detect diseases that commonly infect hamsters. The purpose of this research is to build the expert system as a tool to identify and provide advice on the appropriate treatment of hamster disease. The expert system was made by backward chaining inference method and designed using PHP as the programming language. The working process of this expert system is the user search based on the visible symptoms and at the end the users will get the name tracking the disease and its treatment advice. With the expert system, the user, specifically hamster lovers, are expected to save cost and time, in this regard to the cost of the vet to diagnose and treat hamster diseases.
Keywords : expert system, backward chaining, hamster disease
Dalam kehidupan manusia ada beragam jenis hobi yang sedang diminati khalayak umum.Ada yang menyukai olahraga, seni, mengoleksi benda-benda tertentu, bernyanyi sampai dengan memelihara aneka jenis hewan.Hamster adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak binatang peliharaan yang mulai diminati banyak orang.Komunitas pecinta hamster disebut hamster lovers. Hamster adalah binatang kecil yang termasuk dalam ordo Rodentia.Dengan demikian hamster tergolong hewan pengerat seperti halnya kelinci, marmut, dan tikus.Hamster tergolong hewan nocturnal, yaitu hewan yang aktif di malam hari.Sifat alami tersebut seperti halnya sifat tikus. Hamster akan melakukan aktivitas hidup (seperti mencari makan) di malam hari (dari petang sampai menjelang fajar) dan beristirahat (tidur) di siang hari[1].
Peneliti: Susi Kurniasih
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