Almost at all areas recently applied with information technology, so do at library area. Thereby, growth of library almost scaled by application technology information use not by another scale such as library building huge, number of collection provided or its users. SMK Negeri 1 Kebumen has applied by library information system. Library information system has been used since April 2009. This system is used to handle loaning transaction registration, return, and report. Although library information system has been used, library reports stills manually because information needed to make a report not available automatically. Library information system out of function often (error). Mal function system cause all transactions process manually. Therefore, figure a thought how to make data process computerized more effective and better than recent system? Based on it collect library data have done by library staff direct interview, observation, and backup data from recent system that used to build new system library administration web based. This new system is supposed can solve all the problems. New information system that applied fill information needs. Obviously there is several imperfect. Suggestion and criticism from librarian very need to build system genuinely fill all library information needs.
Keywords : Information systems, computerized, library administration
Perkembangan dunia komputer beberapa tahun terakhir mengalami kemajuan yang cepat dan pesat, baik pada perangkat keras maupun pada perangkat lunak. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi tersebut khususnya didalam penyajian suatu informasi karena saat ini kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap suatu informasi sangat besar. Saat ini informasi yang disampaikan terkadang masih bersifat manual, artinya penyediaan informasi yang disampaikan masih melibatkan manusia sebagai penyampai secara langsung. Bila ditinjau dari segi keefektifitas, ada beberapa kelemahan dari informasi yang disampaikan secara manual diantaranya adalah faktor manusia itu sendiri.
Peneliti: Danang Hamdani
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