ABSTRAK - Management of the administrative process academic information on Informatics Engineering Program Regular b Faculty of Engineering, University Tanjungpura has several stages and often takes a long time for officers in managing it . The role of information technology in every process information is very important in becoming a arrangement data and information that is appropriate to the needs of the user . The need for information technology poses a profound impact on the process of institutional administration . It takes a technology that is able to apply mobile information system so that the application of academic and academic information system design can be improved . Currently, the webservice is designed to support interoperability and interaction between systems on a network . It can therefore developed an academic information system application android based information systems that are connected by the academic environment of the College of Engineering , University Tanjungpura Informatics Program . Mobile -based applications built on the Android platform . The test results showed that the application can be used for the process of inputting LIRS ( Sheet Field Study Plan ) and the trust online . Application can help users to get information quickly , safely and easily .
Keywords – administrative, academic, webservice, mobile .
PENDAHULUAN - Telepon pintar berbasis Android merupakan media yang sangat canggih dalam akses informasi dan layanan data, hal ini memungkinkan semua bidang kehidupan manusia dapat semakin ringan dikerjakan dengan bantuan telepon pintar tersebut. Contohnya dalam penerapan teknologi mobile pada Sistem Informasi Administrasi Akademik dilingkup pendidikan perguruan tinggi seperti Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura sebagai wadah pendidikan memiliki kapabilitas untuk menjadi pemimpin dalam teknologi informasi guna memenuhi dan menunjang kegiatan akademik bagi civitas akademika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tanjungpura. Penyampaian informasi yang bervariasi, tepat dan aman diharapkan mampu memberikan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh mahasiswa. Contoh lain ketika kampus melakukan kegiatan
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