
JURNAL : Aplikasi Penjadwalan Pertandingan pada Kegiatan StiFest Menggunakan Metode Round Robin

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Aplikasi Penjadwalan Pertandingan pada Kegiatan StiFest Menggunakan Metode Round Robin
ABSTRAK - Basketball game in this StiFest activity has many fans who sign up and steadily increasing. The game system is used based on the number of teams that register. Scheduling basketball game on StiFest use system Knock Out game and a half of competition / group. Scheduling current game, done manually at random by the committee. In this way, it’s feared foul play by the committee to provide an easy match for a particular team. Based from the issues, then made one basketball scheduling matches application using Round robin method. Round robin exact used to basketball scheduling matches application analyze based on half competition system because work based by time (quantum) which determined with every matches and view that every teams are same, with the result of the scheduling fairly. This match scheduling application can be used to assist the committee in making the match schedule. The result of this match was not concerned with scheduling or give an advantage to certain teams, so as to avoid fraud in the process of scheduling the match. This is evidenced by ten times tested, resulting in a 100% success of the applications that have been created.

 KeyWords : Schedule of Matches Application, Round Robin, StiFest.

PENDAHULUAN - StiFest atau yang biasa disebut Stikom Festival merupakan kegiatan rutin setiap tahun yang diadakan oleh Bagian Humas Stikom. Kegiatan ini bertujuan sebagai sarana promosi dan pendekatan kepada masyarakat, khususnya siswa-siswa SMA yang memiliki ketertarikan di bidang olahraga dan seni. Kegiatan StiFest sendiri terdiri dari berbagai macam lomba, seperti lomba tari, musik, basket, futsal dan lomba-lomba lainnya. Pertandingan Bola basket merupakan kegiatan yang memiliki daya tarik minat peserta dan penonton paling besar pada StiFest. Peserta basket di StiFest dikhususkan bagi tim basket pria dan wanita yang mewakili Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) di area Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto dan Gresik. Setiap tahun minat pendaftar lomba basket terus meningkat. Sistem pertandingan bola basket di StiFest disesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta. Jika jumlah peserta lomba basket antara 8-10 tim digunakan sistem pertandingan Knock Out (gugur), namun jika lebih dari 12 tim digunakan sistem group terlebih dahulu yang kemudian dilakukan sistem gugur.


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