
JURNAL : Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Website Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Berdasarkan Metode Webqual 4.0 Pada Website Hotel 88

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Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Website Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Berdasarkan Metode Webqual 4.0 Pada Website Hotel 88
ABSTRAK - Hotel 88 is a part of Waringin Hospitality P.T based in Jakarta. Hotel 88 has a website located at www.hotel88.co.id with the ranking of the website which is still below the hotel ranked competitors. Therefore Hotel 88 want to improve the quality of existing websites so that visitors are increasingly satisfied and many who make reservations through the website. But so far the hotel is 88 not yet know the shortcomings of the website so Hotel 88 requires an evaluation for the quality and user satisfaction increased website. Based on these problems then the author makes a research with the aim to analyse the influence of the quality of the website user satisfaction against 88 Hotel website based on the method of webqual 4.0. This research using a sample of as many as 100 people. Menggunakafn questionnaire data collection techniques are disseminated online or paper questionnaires to hotel guests who make a reservation through the Hotel website is 88. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The quality of the website consists of a user's quality, quality of information, and the quality of the interaction. Results showed that (1) use of the influential quality significantly to 88 Hotel website user satisfaction, (2) quality of information user satisfaction significantly to influential website Hotel 88, and (3) the quality of the interaction effect significantly to 88 Hotel website user satisfaction. So Hotels should improve the quality of the use of the 88, the quality of information and the quality of interaction in order to increase the satisfaction of website users.

 Keywords: Webqual, Website Analysis, User Satisfaction, Impact Analysis

PENDAHULUAN - Hotel 88 merupakan bagian dari PT. Waringin Hospitality yang berpusat di Jakarta. Saat ini Hotel 88 yang memiliki motto “Feel at home for business” telah memiliki beberapa cabang di kota besar lainnya di Indonesia. Sebagai pelaku dalam industri jasa, Hotel 88 terus berupaya dalam memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal bagi para tamunya. Kepuasan pelanggan merupakan hal yang paling penting untuk menjadi tolok ukur bagi perusahaan. Hotel 88 memiliki website yaitu www.hotel88.co.id sebagai sarana promosi dan informasi yang berguna dalam menunjang kebutuhan pelanggan di tengah pesatnya perkembangan teknologi internet, dan untuk meningkatkan penjualan online.


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