
Jurnal: Aplikasi Mobile Penghitungan Zakat Mal ”Dompet Peduli Umat Daarut Tauhid” dengan J2ME

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Jurnal: Aplikasi Mobile Penghitungan Zakat Mal ”Dompet Peduli Umat Daarut Tauhid” dengan J2ME


The rapid advancement of technology today has served in every side of human life is on exception in the field of religion. Lack of public understanding about the charity, so that makes them think that zakat as if only an individual’s liabilities and obligation undertaken in order to abort the individual against the commandments of God. Where as zakat it if self has a very broad meaning. End of the twentieth century, coinciding with the revival of Muslims in various sectors of life, the doctrine of zakat is also one sector that began excavated from various dimensions. The increasing prosperity of the Islamic umma gives newhope in actualizaing charity. Mobile application is a simple calculation of zakat was made with the goal of keeping the Muslims, especially in Indonesia can use anytime and anywhere. This application uses J2ME software which is a Java 2 Compliant or one of the categories java applications compatible with Java 2, predicted by experts will provide a significant revolution in the development of mobile telecommunications technology as a whole. This application is through several stages, ranging from data collection processes,design, to implementation. Present the design of the cover, the main menu and design formz zakat counters. Then proceed with the design interface. Last carried out the implementation process of doing coding. This application is made to produce a mobile application that looks simple Zakat. Therefore, the title given to the author of this report is Mobile Application Of Computation Zakat Mal ”Dompet Peduli Umat Daarut Tauhid” Using J2ME. 

Keywords : zakat, application,mobile 


Zakat merupakan salah satu dari rukun islam. Bagi umat Islam yang mempunyai kekayaan yang lebih dari cukup dan telah memenuhi syarat tertentu, maka ia telah diwajibkan untuk berzakat. Manfaat zakat banyak sekali. Selain untuk menyucikan diri dan harta orang yang berzakat, juga untuk membantu orang yang kurang mampu dengan menerima zakat tersebut.

Peneliti: Sulimasari 

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Jurnal: Aplikasi Mobile Penghitungan Zakat Mal ”Dompet Peduli Umat Daarut Tauhid” dengan J2ME

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