
Jurnal: Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Laporan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada SLTP1 Sentolo

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Jurnal: Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Laporan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada SLTP1 Sentolo


As long as time passing, the improvement of technology also increasingly right now. It signed with more user that using internet. Almost of class of society had used internet access. In order to its not a surprise thing again if in this time a little kid can understand what’s the internet means and use it too. So, in this stuff, a knowledge about ICT is really a need, not amazed if in the schools there is a learn about Information Technology this time. And that’s why a competent teacher in information technology is really need. With information technology, it will help the user to finish the job/duty. In oder to, the author wants to make a Final Assignment that related with system of processing data of student’s study report because SLTP 1 Sentolo still using the manual system that cause of some mistake in input or processing data. With this Final Assignment, the author hope to make the teacher easier in input data and keep data to not broken although in term of long time enough, beside it with this system it will make easier the teacher and the student to get information anytime when the data is need. 

Keywords : system analyst,data student,data teacher 


Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu kebutuhan manusia akan teknologi juga semakin berkembang. Hal ini ditandai dengan adanya fasilitas teknologi yang memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengatasi berbagai masalah yang ada.

Peneliti: Ahmad Sururi Ngafif, Nanda Gumara 

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Jurnal: Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Laporan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada SLTP1 Sentolo

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