Developments in science and technology particularly in the areas of information technology is very rapid. existence computer is very important as one means to generate information that is accurate and timely, the role of information quickly and accurately produces rapid decisions and developments as well. It was not all computerized applied bias as effectively as possible is still a lot of instances (entities) that have not made a computerized data processing. As an expert in the system. Data processing system implemented on an expert system so far still has a problem, especially when viewed from the effectiveness and efficiency of data processing and provision of information, the authors formulate the problem how to perform system development and data processing that still manual cooking menu into the computerized system, thus speeding organizational performance. Seeing this reality, the author tries to provide an appropriate solution for optimally selecting cooking menu, by developing an expert system that already exists.
Keywords: Expert systems, cooking menu
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, seorang individu memilki berbagai jenis kebutuhan dimana kebutuhan tersebut tidaklah mutlak sama antar tiap individu.Tetapi ada satu hal yang tidak dipungkiri bahwa salah satu kebutuhan mendasar yang menjadi bagian terpenting dalam kehidupan seorang individu adalah kebutuhan akan makanan yang dikonsumsi setiap harinya.
Peneliti: Iswari
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