These days technological growth of computer application have progressively go forward, even have merambah almost keseluruh of human life aspect. Will dissatisfy with the mentioned of all expert non-stoped to develop sophisticated of computer can own the ability of like within reason human being. Expert system represent the computer program imitating process of opinion and expert knowledge to finish an specific problem. system implementation of a lot of used for the sake of commercial because expert system viewed as by the way of depository of expert knowledge in the field of certain into program computer in such a manner so that can give the decision and conduct the penalaran smartly. Therefore Expert System develop;builded by non pursuant to certain algorithm but pursuant to bases of knowledge and order. Making of application program this expert system is addressed to try to to know the cause of early inverse copy, so can give the information to mother to bear, about cause of early copy inversely. So that can be made by as base for the system development of better brand intellegence application in a period to coming by way of socialization of information technology in the form of intellegence application of made in by applying and develop the more effective computerization system expert.
Keywords : Technology, Knowledge, Information, Maternity
Dewasa ini perkembangan teknologi aplikasi komputer sudah semakin maju, bahkan telah merambah hampir keseluruh aspek kehidupan manusia. Sistem pakar merupakan program komputer yang meniru proses pemikiran dan pengetahuan pakar untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah yang spesifik (Turban, 1995). Implementasi sistem pakar banyak digunakan untuk kepentingan komersial karena sistem pakar dipandang sebagai cara penyimpanan pengetahuan pakar dalam bidang tertentu ke dalam program computer.
Peneliti: Nur Indra Permana
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