Cd Rental is a service business related to the entertainment world, as a promising business rentals cd then it should use a system / program in every transaction. Rental Venus CD (VCD and DVD rental) is one of the rental with a number of CDs and a lot of customers. Data from each CD are written into a book that certainly requires a lot of time and accuracy when employees need the data to customers or to the report. While experiencing a CD every month stock additions and deductions, so that should be checked periodically if there is data to be renewed. The combination of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 with MySQL, it is very helpful in the process of making lending transaction and return the application cd as well as searching the data, thus increasing the effectiveness of the work which had previously been an obstacle. The report generated a level of accuracy even when compared with the manual system previously used.
Keyword : Visual Basic 6, Mysql, Cd Rental
Sistem komputerisasi telah berkembang sangat pesat, baik itu dalam dunia pendidikan, maupun dunia usaha. Setiap orang membutuhkan informasi yang cepat dan akurat, komputer memiliki banyak kelebihan jika dibandingkan seseorang mengerjakan sesuatu secara manual.
Peneliti: Samson Yance Pangemanan
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