
Jurnal: Perancangan Aplikasi Enkripsi Dan Dekripsi SMS Dengan Algoritma Simetri AES Pada Telepone Seluler

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Jurnal: Perancangan Aplikasi Enkripsi Dan Dekripsi SMS Dengan Algoritma Simetri AES Pada Telepone Seluler


Communication is a mekanism to convey information from one party to another party. In line as growing of technology, a need of communication media increased. Currently, a variety of communications technologies and increasingly pamper people. Starting from telephone, facsimile, e-mail, and many others such as SMS technology. SMS technology to this day remains a popular medium of communication by the people, besides easy to use it is also cheaper cost. But on the other side of the SMS technology also has disadvantages. SMS technology does not guarantee the security and confidentiality of messages sent. Some risks are also a threat to security including SMS spoofing, SMS snooping , and SMS interception. From some of the threats to the risk of such an SMS message, it is necessary to build an application that is able to secure and keep confidential SMS messages, so that in the event of a threat and that message is opened, the contents of the message remains secret. One solution to secure and keep the message is to encrypt SMS messages before sending. Making encryption and decryption SMS application is expected to be the solution of the problems above. In addition to securing and keeping the message, the application built to be easy to use (userfriendly) by people who using and take advantage of this application. 

Keywords: SMS, encryption, decryption, AES, BouncyCastle


Sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi, saat ini orang dapat saling berkomunikasi dengan cepat dan mudah, sehingga orang akan dapat mengetahui apa saja yang terjadi di belahan bumi ini dengan bertukar informasi. Proses komunikasi sendiri senantiasa terjadi setiap waktu yang tidak terbatas oleh jarak. Hingga pada ahirnya berbagai perangkat alat komunikasi dikembangkan untuk menunjang tercapainya proses tersebut. 

Peneliti: Miftahul Choiril Huda

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Jurnal: Perancangan Aplikasi Enkripsi Dan Dekripsi SMS Dengan Algoritma Simetri AES Pada Telepone Seluler

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