The Ministry of National Education has declared excellence scholarship program, one kind of these excellence scholarships is P3SWOT. P3SWOT is an excellence scholarship given to researcher, writer, creator, artist, journalist, athlete, and figure. As a holder of P3SWOT excellence scholarship, the Secretary of Excellence Scholarship, Bureau Planning and International Cooperation, the Ministry of National Education has been taking the advantage of the information technology by building a website that provides registration information, a registration form that can be downloaded by registrant, and the announcement of the scholarship winners. However, the website is not optimal because it is static. The selection mechanism of P3SWOT excellence scholarship still has some problems. Recently there are ineffective registration and unintegrated scholarship registration data. The online selection of P3SWOT excellence scholarship information system was developed to solve those problems. This information system was developed using Unified Process. Unified Process is an object oriented software development process that consists of five workflows. They are requirement, analysis, design, implementation, and test. This information system was built using PHP 5 programming language and MySQL 5 database management system. This information system can be used to handle the selection of P3SWOT excellence scholarship including registration, registration verification and scoring, deciding the winners, and reporting.
Keywords: information system, P3SWOT excellence scholarship, Unified Process, object oriented
Sejalan dengan pentingnya internasionalisasi menuju World Class University maka diperlukan terobosan program yang mampu menjembatani kondisi tersebut. Sejak tahun 2006 Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Sekarang berubah menjadi Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional) melalui Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri (BPKLN) merintis program Beasiswa Unggulan (BU). Program ini sesuai Permendiknas No. 20/2009 tentang Beasiswa Unggulan, merupakan program beasiswa khusus dari pemerintah atau pihak lain, berupa bantuan biaya pendidikan kepada putra-putri terbaik bangsa indonesia dan mahasiswa asing terpilih.
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