Today, the cartoon animation industry is developing. It can be seen from the number of cartoon animation that often appear on television. In the world of entertainment using cartoon animation not only in film making, but have also penetrated the field of advertising and video clips. In the video clips for example, the concept of an animated cartoon of a group of bands can be utilized as a strategy to publish an album or song. Seeing the reality in the manufacture of video clips in Indonesia right now the percentage number of video clips with cartoon concept of video clips smaller than usual. In fact, if examined more deeply, with the concept of an animated cartoon video clips do not compete with ordinary video clips, can generate even more value for a band. In order for the video clips are make a better product, interesting and have more value, we need a creative idea and steps of standard productions cartoon animation . Between is planning and to apply optical effects in the video clip. It seems not all bands applying it, including Famvlet Band. This band is still relying on media festival and participated in various events as a means of publishing their work, this is certainly less effective and the maximum. In connection with this, there are questions to answer this challenge, namely: How to design, create animated 2D and apply a good optical effects ranging from preproduction, production and post production of video clips on Famvlet Band? In this thesis, the researcher attempts to analyze points of discussion and the results are intended to provide suggestions for Famvlet Band in the making of video clips ranging from pre-production, production and post production of video products so good and proper in accordance with the planned publication.
Keywords: 2D cartoon animation, video animation clips, optical effects, animation and manufacturing planning
Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berkembang cukup pesat dan menghasilkan inovasi-inovasi baru seiring dengan perkembangan pola pikir manusia yang senantiasa terus berubah ke arah yang lebih maju. Teknologi komputer yang memiliki fungsi awal sebagai alat bantu dalam menyelesaikan persoalan dan masalah dalam segala bidang kini memasuki fungsi sebagai alat penghibur. Hal ini ditandai dengan banyaknya produkproduk yang berbasis komputer dalam dunia hiburan. Salah satunya adalah animasi kartun.
Peneliti: Risa Defianto
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