
Jurnal: Membangun Aplikasi E-Commerce Untuk Sistem Penjualan dan Pemesanan Kaos Sablon Pada Toko Brother T-Shirt Yogyakarta

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Jurnal: Membangun Aplikasi E-Commerce Untuk Sistem Penjualan dan Pemesanan Kaos Sablon Pada Toko Brother T-Shirt Yogyakarta


E-commerce is a new system for businesses to utilize technology to make it more effective and efficient in conducting sales transactions in cyberspace. E-commerce is not just a mechanism to sell goods and services, but it is a business transformation that changed the way companies conductits activities. Websites that support e-commerce can enable customers to know the details of a product. Based on these realities, it is necessary to place the research at a shop to create a system of product sales using the internet facilities (web-based design). Brother T-Shirt Shops in Yogyakarta was chosen as the place of research, sales and reservation system which prints T-shirts at the store only carried out with the manual system only. Making e-commerce application is done to enhance business opportunities and provide customer convenience to transact the purchase and ordering t-shirts silk screening. Based on the arguments which have been the authors explain in the previous chapters and the design and implementation of applications Brother T-Shirt site, so few conclusions can be draw is website as a medium to facilitate product online. 

Keywords: Website, e-commerce 


Penjualan secara online (e-commerce) merupakan sistem baru bagi pelaku bisnis untuk memanfaatkan teknologi agar lebih efektif dan efisien dalam melakukan transaksi penjualan di dunia maya. E-commerce bukan hanya sekedar mekanisme menjual barang dan jasa, tapi merupakan transformasi bisnis yang mengubah cara perusahaan dalam melakukan aktifitasnya.

Peneliti: Anis Trisepsetyawati Risty Kurniawati

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Jurnal: Membangun Aplikasi E-Commerce Untuk Sistem Penjualan dan Pemesanan Kaos Sablon Pada Toko Brother T-Shirt Yogyakarta

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