Indonesia is one country that has diverse cultures, customs, and other dances because it consists of tribal and ethnic and religious groups - ranging. Often times we do not notice or we do not know the culture of Indonesia. We just know that when our culture there is a win or recognized by other countries. With these problems we as a composer wants to create a multimedia application with cultural themes attractively arranged so easy to remember the community or who use this application. The combination of several elements such as sound, images, animations, video, text or multimedia is usually called an essential role in the delivery of information because by utilizing the computer as a media liaison for the process of navigation, interaction and communication must be very easy and well developed gampang.Teknologi allows the user (users) can interact and explore interconnected information network. And it will make things interesting to the see and easy to remember. The use of computers in the learning itself not new but is one of educational technology innovation in the development of a reliable medium of learning.
Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang mempunyai beraneka ragam kebudayaan, adat istiadat, tarian dan lainnya karena terdiri dari suku dan etnis serta agama yang berbeda – beda. Sering kali kita tidak memperhatikan atau kita tidak mengetahui budaya Indonesia. Kita baru bisa tahu ketika budaya kita ada yang merebut atau di akui oleh negara lain.
Peneliti: Isnawan Priyo Jatmiko
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