
Jurnal: Analisis dan Perancangan Website Sebagai Media Promosi pada PT. Graha Citra Amanusa

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Jurnal: Analisis dan Perancangan Website Sebagai Media Promosi pada PT. Graha Citra Amanusa


Developing of internet at now experience progress that so quick. This fenomen motivated effore that there for try more active in the frame work of interesting consuments. From many promotion media that use, must recognited internet media appear one of the media that most effective to use. This time many business was development. Level operation of socety at the kind type of information and promotion so diverty until created a competition in the market promotion and that can mace opportunity in managed market opportunity and increase image from the business. At finallyn a promotion that doing by business or organitation will see and value good and by the socety himself. Graha Citra Amanusa resembles that one of the business that have an enough wide marketing, but if not supported with medium and infrastructure that more advance, then opportunity to reach more wide market moreadvance more difficuitto support marketing proses at Graha Citra Amanusa need a medium promotion and effective marketing that is website. 

Key word : internet, promotion, website, business


Perkembangan internet saat ini mengalami kemajuan yang begitu pesat. Fenomena ini mendorong usaha-usaha yang ada untuk berusaha lebih giat dalam rangka menarik konsumen. Dari sekian banyak media promosi yang digunakan, harus diakui bahwa media internet merupakan salah satu media yang sangat dan paling efektif untuk digunakan.

Peneliti: Dwi Ani 

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Jurnal: Analisis dan Perancangan Website Sebagai Media Promosi pada PT. Graha Citra Amanusa

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