ABSTRAK - Information of an educational institution is a need for the general public, in order to improve and broaden their horizons. nowadays, the developments in technology interactive multimedia is often utilizing the delivery of information. the creating of interactive multimedia presentations are dynamic, presentable and attractive. Implementation of interactive multimedia courses on the website is an advance techniques to deliver information by visual communications so people can easily understand the contain of information. To describe the design of interactive multimedia , it requires response experts through expert judgment test and some user feedback through User Acceptance Test (UAT). 3 validation sheet are performed by experts that consists of content, technical , and presentation with the aim of improving the application while the UAT is done by 10 users by testing the effectiveness of interactive multimedia . Expert validation results showed that the average scores of the content, technical and presentation are 88.82 % (from the ideal score very valid criteria). the response to the interactive multimedia profile Informatics Engineering are 90.54 % of the ideal score . It can be concluded from this study that the interactive multimedia profile of Informatics Engineering UNTAN are very practical and feasible to implement on the UNTAN website.
Keyword : interactive multiemdia, expert judgement, user acceptance test, Informatic Engineering UNTAN
PENDAHULUAN - Pada saat ini sektor informasi memegang peranan penting bagi masyarakat umum dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi, informasi sering memanfaatkan teknologi multimedia untuk mengolah data menjadi suatu informasi yang menarik dan berguna bagi masyarakat umum. Besarnya kebutuhan informasi dalam internet menyebabkan teknologi multimedia berkembang pesat seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi. Contohnya game online, virtual online tour, video conference, media pembelajaran, dan lain-lain.
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