
Jurnal: Design of Information System E-Learning Web Based in SMA NEGERI 3 PATI

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Jurnal: Design of Information System E-Learning Web Based in SMA NEGERI 3 PATI


Given the growing technological progress, and lack of effectiveness of media campaigns and learning in high school N 3 PATI, so it would be nice if the means of promotion and learning of the SMA N 3 PATI done with the media to facilitate a campaign website and learning for students. Based on the above, the authors design an Information System for Web-based E-Learning that can facilitate the SMA N 3 PATI in the means of promotion to the community, enabling students to obtain various materials, questions, answers easily, and can hone students' creativity by uploading a variety of results students' work on the website. Results from the design of Web-Based Information System for eLearning which writers create a show that this Information System can help SMA N 3 PATI in doing promotional tools and facilitate students in learning activities. 

Keywords : website, e-learning, systems design, information systems, SMA N 3 PATI, technology, media campaigns


Sistem informasi pembelajaran dan proses promosi di SMA Negeri 3 PATI masih dilakukan dengan cara manual sehingga memakan banyak waktu dan biaya, selain itu siswa juga sering kali kesulitan dalam hal mencari materi pembelajaran atau informasi.

Peneliti: Bayu Tri Yogo, Priya Atmaja

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Jurnal: Design of Information System E-Learning Web Based in SMA NEGERI 3 PATI

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