
Jurnal: Aplikasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru Menggunakan Java Berbasis Client Server Untuk Mempermudah Pendataan Calon Siswa Baru di SMK N 1 Wonosari

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Jurnal: Aplikasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru Menggunakan Java Berbasis Client Server Untuk Mempermudah Pendataan Calon Siswa Baru di SMK N 1 Wonosari


School is a place to study and in the process of schooling must have held the selection of new admissions. In this new admissions process appears many obstacles in the selection of applicants and entering data into the database. Many schools that still use manual way of storing data. For schools that already have computer equipment are still using Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office Access as a new admission application. Submission of information a lot of applicants and selection results are very important and should be accurate. Most current programs created for new admissions application is still a stand-alone (stand alone), to the writer tries to create a program that uses a java application which is a new programming language and based on client-server using web-services facility in java so it is not only run on 1 computer (a stand-alone) alone but can be run in a local network (LAN) with several computers. With this characterization can provide information faster, accurate and complete. This application works some computers will act as a client (client) to include data from the registrant while a computer as a server using java webservices that process data, store data and connect with database.For designing the software used is Java J2SE. This language is used for programming language that works on desktop platforms. 

Keywords: Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Access, LAN, java J2SE 


Sekolah merupakan tempat belajar dan menuntut ilmu. Pendidikan untuk SMK/SMA membutuhkan waktu minimal 3 tahun menyelesaikan pendidikan. Dengan tiap tahun adanya perubahan siswa maka diperlukan proses penyaringan siswa yang mendaftar. Proses ini dilakukan untuk memilih siswa-siswi yang mempunyai kualitas dalam belajar dan memiliki hasil yang baik.

Peneliti: Martin Diyanto, Sidiq Tri Nuryadi

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Jurnal: Aplikasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru Menggunakan Java Berbasis Client Server Untuk Mempermudah Pendataan Calon Siswa Baru di SMK N 1 Wonosari

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