
Jurnal : Mamdani fuzzy systems for modeling and simulation: A critical assessment

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Jurnal : Mamdani fuzzy systems for modeling and simulation: A critical assessment
(Jurnal Teknik Informatika)

Mamdani systems can incorporate expert knowledge about an input-output relation in the form of IF-THEN rules expressed in natural language. This is a particularly attractive feature for modeling and simulation, but is also one that can be easily  misused.  Focusing  on  applied  modeling  and  simulation,  this  paper  discusses  why  Mamdani  systems  are  not  a  useful tool  to  explore  the  logical  consequences  of  the  set  of  rules  used  to  build  them.  In  the  best-case  scenario,  Mamdani  systems provide one of the functions that comply with the specified set of rules, which is a completely different exercise from that of finding the input-output relation implied by the specified set of rules. In general, the logical consequences of a set of IF-THEN rules  cannot  be  captured  by  a  single  function.  Furthermore,  the  consequences  of  including  an  IF-THEN  rule  in  a  Mamdani system can be very different from the consequences of such an inclusion in a system governed by the most basic principles of logical deductive inference. While previous analyses have typically focused on particular steps of the Mamdani process, here we present a holistic approach, explained and illustrated with simple cases and examples

This paper discusses Mamdani –also called max-min–fuzzy systems as a tool for modeling and simu-lation.  It  is  intended  for  scientists  exploring  the  pos-sibilities  of  this  technique. The paper  does  not  pro-vide new results in the field of fuzzy logic; it summa-rizes  previous  knowledge,  as  well  as  the  experience gathered  by  the  authors  after  having  approached  this technique in order to design and analyze some simu-lation models. The discussionis based on simple cas-es  and  examples,  and  is  intended  to  be  accessible  to researchers who are not experts in fuzzy logic.  Mamdani  systems  have  proven to be  a  very  use-ful  tool  for  function  approximation;  in  this  paper  we analyze  their  potential  usefulness  as  tools  for  logical deductive  inference.  Mamdani systems  are  most  of-ten  classified  as  a  form  of Approximate  Reasoning, which has been defined as “the  process or processes by  which a possible imprecise  conclusion is deduced from  a  collection  of  imprecise  premises” [29].  This categorization,  together  with  the  fact  that  the  core component of a Mamdani system is a set of IF-THEN rules, 

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Jurnal : Mamdani fuzzy systems for modeling and simulation: A critical assessment

Kata Kunci : Jurnal Mamdani fuzzy systems, sistem pendukung keputusan, SPK, Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Jurnal Skripsi, Jurnal, Contoh Jurnal, Skripsi Teknik Informatika, Contoh Skripsi Teknik Informatika ,Contoh Skripsi, Skripsi.

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