
Jurnal : Forward Chaining Dan Rules Based Reasoning Untuk Membantu Pengendalian Penyakit Menular Tuberkulosis

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Jurnal : Forward Chaining Dan Rules Based Reasoning Untuk Membantu Pengendalian Penyakit Menular Tuberkulosis


Tuberculosis is an immediately cronic disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. The implementation of controlling the disease in 2004 resulted in the case detection rate (CDR) of 15 out of 33 provinces that could reach the target of 60% and above. In 2010, in Sumaetra Utara, 15,614 cases of lung tuberculosis were found. The purpose of this sdtudy, employing the rules-based reasoning and forward chaining as one ofthe strategies to provide facility ti the health team, was to obtain an expert system model for the health team that they can work faster and more accurate. Rule-based reasoning is a knowledge-representing technique used in the forms of the type of tuberculosis patients, the condition of patient, result of evaluation and action of evaluation, and suggested recommendation. The form of this representation comprised premise and conclusion. The result of the simulation showed that the expert system model was able to assist in showing good services and becoming a source of knowledge that can be used at any time. 

Keywords: Tuberculosis, Forward Chaining, Rule-Based Reasong, Case Detection Rate (CDR) 


Latar Belakang Tuberkulosis merupakan salah satu penyakit menular. Program pemberantasan penyakit menular langsung (P2ML) pada Dinas Kesehatan di tiap provinsi, memfokuskan pada upaya pemberantasan penyakit menular, dalam hal ini tuberkulosis. Pengendalian penyakit tersebut dalam pelaksanaanya telah memperoleh cakupan penemuan kasus atau case detection rate (CDR) tahun 2004, sebanyak 15 dari 33 provinsi yang dapat mencapai target 60% ke atas [1]. Untuk Sumatera Utara, selama Tahun 2010 ditemukan sebanyak 15.614 kasus tuberkulosis paru [2]. Pada triwulan ke III Tahun 2010 menempatkan Sumatera Utara diperingkat ketujuh setelah Gorontalo, Maluku, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara, Babel dan Jakarta. Pencapaian target untuk Provinsi Sumut harus memenuhi indikator program TB secara Nasional yaitu penemuan kasus baru untuk BTA positif (case detection rate), konversi rate (minimal 80%), kesembuhan (minimal 85%), dan error rate yaitu angka kesalahan baca hasil sediaan laboratorium (<5%) [3, 4]. 

Peneliti : Eva Darnila

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Jurnal : Forward Chaining Dan Rules Based Reasoning Untuk Membantu Pengendalian Penyakit Menular Tuberkulosis

Kata Kunci : Jurnal Forward Chaining Dan Rules Based Reasoning, sistem pakar, Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Jurnal Skripsi, Jurnal, Contoh Jurnal, Skripsi Teknik Informatika, Contoh Skripsi Teknik Informatika ,Contoh Skripsi, Skripsi.

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